Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Random Writings of a Roleplayer

For those still following me, thanks for staying subscribed, for any newcomers, welcome. It's been a few years and a lot has changed. I'm no longer working technical support at SRS, I've since moved to QA (quality assurance) and am now actually a Software Engineer. The full story of all these transitions I'll have to save for another time. I also now have a son, who will be two in July. My daughter will be five in June and is ready to start Kindergarten. Time really does fly. It's amazing that my daughter is starting school already.

Now more to the point of this post and its title. I want to get back in to writing. I enjoy writing and want to improve so I went and found a site that has writing exercises: I decided to do the exercises on this site and that I would post my exercises here for anyone who is interested. I'm hoping this will both inspire me to write more in general and also to keep my blog more up to date. Comments and constructive criticisms are welcome :) By constructive, I don't mean they have to be favorable. I mean, if you don't like it, tell me why, don't just say "sucks lawls".

My first post will be one I actually wrote yesterday, and I'll probably make a few edits, so you'll be getting a second draft of it. I don't know if I'll generally post second and third drafts here or if I'll just keep to firsts. Whichever ends up being more fun I guess.

Let the writing commence!

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