Monday, February 2, 2009

Yet more lunchtime ramblings.

Well, seeing as I have the time, I figure I should probably start putting something here again. I doubt very many are following this anymore, and considering the 5 month break in posts, I don't blame them.

Anyways, in general life has been good and we don't really have much to complain about. Our little girl has really grown. She is 19 months old now and full of energy. Unfortunately a lot of that energy is focused in to climbing whatever she can and she is good at it. She has already figured out how to climb out of the crib, forcing us to order a crib tent to keep her in. I guess that will work until she figures out how to undo whatever keeps the thing on the crib. Other than that she is well and healthy aside from a little cold she's had for the last week. She's a real joy and keeps us busy constantly.

Back a few months, right about when things really started looking bad for the economy our company was one of the ones doing a round of layoffs and gladly I was not among those let go. It definitely made the holidays a lot brighter not having to worry about where I would be working next week. We had a lot of fun during Christmas. We went and visited family in Idaho. Luckily the weather was very accommodating both on the way up and on the way down. It was good to see family again and I even got to see my friend who I haven't seen in over 10 years, Tim. He's the one who writes the Vagabond blog that I have linked. It was really cool to get to see him again. Both of us are a bit older and a bit heavier than when we last saw each other :) We told each other we'd have to make sure it wasn't a decade between visits again. We'll see how things go.

After Christmas I sold off one of my game systems to raise money to buy a PS3. We've really been enjoying it. We have a couple games for it, Little Big Planet and Ratchet and Clank. Little Big Planet (LBP from here on out) is one of the most creative and entertaining games I have played in a while. I would recommend it to anyone. It has really fun levels but also lets users create levels themselves for others to play, so there is an almost unending supply of levels to play. Warning though, the cuteness of the game is addicting beyond imagination and you'll find yourself wanting to buy the little costumes that are sold for your sack person (if you play it you'll see what I mean). It's one game you don't want to miss out on.

There isn't just that though, the PS3 is also our all around entertainment station. We subscribed to netflix and now we not only get Blue-Ray movies in the mail once or twice a week that we can watch, but there is also a decent selection of movies that can be streamed directly to the playstation. This bascially means if it's on netflix, hulu, youtube, cbs, nbc, espn, or on my computer, we can watch it on our TV. It's a pretty sweet deal. All that and a game station in one system isn't too shabby.

Anyways, back to the kiddo. It's been an interesting time for her. Last year she hit her teeth on the tub and knocked them in. We had to keep seeing the dentist every few weeks until he finally said that the teeth looked like they'd be fine afterall. He said usually when that happens kids lose the teeth they knocked in and often damage the permanant roots. Gratefully though, nothing happened to her. It's fun to watch Erin grow and develop her personality. Kid is a little firecracker sometimes. When something doesn't happen the way she wants it she can start to get upset pretty easily. Hopefully this only lasts through the toddler phase :p

Sveta is also doing well. She has been doing a little geneaology for people here and there and earning a little extra that way. She gets to stay home with Erin, of course, which is a blessing to the family, but a lot of work for her. Erin can be quite the handful. She gets to talk to her parents in Lithuania every day through Skype and Erin enjoys seeing her grandparents on a regular basis that way too.

My brain is a jumble trying to get down the various things that have happened without creating a 10 page post, so I'll just have to post more as I think of it. In closing, I just have to say that I found it rather ironic that on Superbore Sunday, that attendance at 9am church was so low considering that the superbore didn't even start for about 5 hours after church finished. I guess people needed to make sure they were good and rested so they could be attentive and alert for the church of the superbore ;p

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