Friday, February 17, 2012

My First Scribophile Critique

Last night I gave someone my very first critique.

Since I'm not a master of style and grammar yet, most of my comments centered around clarity of the story, i.e. questions left unanswered or sentences that just didn't make sense.

Took at while, but it was a lot of fun.  They have a karma system on the site.  (incoming wall of 'critique's).  You can't post work to be critiqued until you've critiqued others.  The longer their work the more karma it is worth to critique and the longer your critique the more karma it is worth.  Then if people 'like' your critique you can get even more karma.

You can then spend the karma to enter contests or to post your own work for critiquing.  Your work will be put in line to be spotlighted and is guaranteed to stay spotlighted until it has received at least 3 "long" reviews.

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