Friday, February 17, 2012

Exercise 2 - Really?

Exercise 2: Second Draft - Tried for a slightly different ending tone.  Trying to match her expression a bit better.


Oh no they did not...

Hey!  HEEEEY!  I know you guys can hear me!  Why does my voice sound...aaaarrrgghh, I'm a woman!  Let me out of this simulation, right now.  RIGHT NOW!

Seriously guys? You think this is funny?  What is th--I'm old too!?  When I get out of here, I swear by all that is unholy, I will end you two!

Ok, Russell, just calm down and lets figure this out so we can get out of here.  Where in the world am I?  Somewhere in Europe...1920's maybe?  I guess I should have a look around and see if I can find the exit.

Thump.  Thump.

What in the name of--my leg is a stump?



Sveta said...

Well, that was an interesting take on this exercise. The lady is Rosa Luxemburg by the way, lol (no, I am not a genius, I looked it up:).
I am not sure though that I can see all of this going through this person's head just looking at her photo. I do not think you hit the nail on the head here. But I liked the idea of someone ending up in another person's head, so to speak.

Unknown said...

Haha, I definitely wasn't shooting for what this picture was actually a picture of. :)