Monday, July 14, 2008

Free of the World of Warcraft

Two years ago, I never thought that I would say this, but I am officially bored of World of WarCraft. That game that brought countless wasted hours of fun and enjoyment and guilt for not doing something more productive has lost its hold entirely.

Now this isn't to say that I've stopped gaming entirely or that I always use my time as best it can be since I stopped playing, but I do think I've used my time better than before.

When I first took a break, it was with great sadness and reluctance, but it had to be done to make sure that I graduated from college. At the same time, however, I felt a great sense of relief, as if I had been freed from something that had been taking so much of my time and given nothing in return. After a few months away from the game I graduated as planned, but I found that now that I had free time again, I wanted to use it for other things. Like I said, not always more productive, but a wider variety of things. I had simply lost the desire to play World of WarCraft. The things that I had grown bored of before I even left the game loom over me every time I even think of playing again and I just decide to do something else. Even those few times I logged on before my account expired, the game would load, I would find myself in Thrallmar, and I would find myself just chatting with people for a while and not doing anything else. I would finally decide I'm bored and log back out.

I will miss the friends I made and who knows, maybe one day I may play it again, but that doesn't seem likely at this point. I have more time to spend with my wife and daughter and STILL have time to do other things. With World of Warcraft, I had to spend my free time farming gold so that I could spend the rest of my free time raiding. It began to feel more like working than playing. Now, I'm not trying to imply anything about people who still play; it's a fun game and I definitely understand why people play it, I'm just glad that I don't anymore.

We'll see if Wrath of the Lich King piques my interest again, but it would have to make some pretty drastic changes for me to really get into it again.

So, if there is anyone actually reading this, what do you think about World of WarCraft? For those of you who managed to break its stranglehold, did you feel the same feeling of being set free? Share your thoughts!


Anonymous said...

Heh, I actually played WoW myself for a month. After several all-night sessions, in a brief moment of sanity I forced myself to delete my character and cancel the account. To be honest, that was real hard, but if I didn't do it I knew WoW would consume my soul.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your new hobbies.

Unknown said...

The force is strong with you if you managed to do that, that early.

Anonymous said...

I played WoW for about a week and got sick of it. For that matter, most MMO's make me sick of them rather quickly. I did just recently pick up EvE Online however and I quite enjoy it. Maybe if you're bored of WoW you could give that a try? Goth played for a little while but had to stop due to work reasons, so its just me now, but let me know if you hop in.

Unknown said...

Any game can consume too much time if you let it. Its just that WoW makes you feel that you have to play to feel competitive. Now...EVE (like dragonrider9935 said) is an awesome game. I know you have played it before Andrew, but here are some pros with EVE.

1. You make progress whether you are online or not because skill training is independent of money. I can leave for 2 weeks and come back and my character has made progress.

2. Its a more mature environment.

3. You can do what you want, when you want.

1. If you die, you lose everything. Makes you more careful. Although I've found that now that I'm on a higher level, I make money easily enough to replace stuff.

Anyway, grats on the quitting of the WoW addiction!

Timothe Skye Loya said...

I have come to despise most MMOs, and consider them a passing fad in my own scheme of life. Don't get me wrong, I see their appeal and understand why they've become so popular they're just not for me. I I game for the story, and most MMOs have very little way in the story telling aspect.

There will always be exceptions, and I still find the momentary MMO that can garner my interest for a few weeks, but as with most things good in life, I can't bear to pay for them, it just seems... wrong.

EVE was good, for the free trial, didn't seem to be worth paying for, and definitely messed with my sleeping schedule for I am a maximal efficiency fanatic... but hey, to each their own. I leave the addicts alone, for the most part they leave me alone.

Just don't bug me when your wives all join a support group.

Unknown said...

*epic picard facepalm pic*

Yeah, playing it again several years later. At least now I don't play it on an obsessive level, but I don find it ironic that after this post, I AM playing again.

Oh well, it's fun and I look forward to the panda land expansion, hehe