Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Random Ramblings

Well, it appears I have at least a couple repeat readers, so I'll try to keep my blog a bit more up to date, heh.

Not sure what to talk about so here's my thoughts on a few things.

Let's start with Prince Caspian. Don't worry, no spoilers this time. Not much I can say about the movie other than that I liked it. The movie was pretty good but unfortunately it didn't evoke that same sense of 'awe' in me that the first movie did. When my wife described it, she said it didn't have that same sense of "glory" that the first movie had. Basically, I think that the movie was just a bit darker than the first given the situation that Narnia was in. Also, there weren't any scenes that really felt climactic to me. Multiple times the movie came close to giving that feeling of a climactic battle or scene, but never quite got there. All in all though, I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes the Chronicles of Narnia.
I give Prince Caspian 4/5 Lions.

Final Fantasy: Crisis Core. I'm not done with the game yet, I would guess I'm about half way through, but as a fan of the original Final Fantasy VII, I love this game quite a bit. It's just really cool to be playing through the back story of FFVII. You're playing as Cloud's old friend Zack. You get a chance to see how Zack and Cloud met, Cloud's development as a SOLDIER operative, how Zack and Aerith become romantically involved and all that good stuff. I'm guessing that this game is going to take you right up to where Zack is mortally wounded by Sephiroth in Nibelheim (since the last chapter of the guide is in Nibelheim). I'm not actually using the guide to play, since I like to play through the first time without it, but my friend did look through it and pointed out the name of the final chapter of the walkthrough.
Combat in this game is quite a bit different from the other Final Fantasies, but other than the randomness involved in limit breaks and summons, the battle is actually quite fun and fast paced. You can actually dodge attacks and guard against them in real time, giving a bit more feeling of control as far as avoiding damage goes.
Final score - 4.7/5 Buster Swords.

Ooooh, I almost forgot Stargate Continuum. I recently finished my SG-1 collection with the latest Stargate movie, 'Stargate Continuum'. Stargate had already done two back-to-back episodes about time travel and fixing the timeline, so I wondered if this movie would be sufficently different to be worth the expense. I can say that I was pleased with the result. I don't want to give away the plot, but I will say it was a fitting end to the SG-1 saga (barring future releases). Ark of Truth and Continuum together wrapped up the storyline of the longest running sci-fi series ever and did it well.
Continuum gets 5/5 altered timelines.

I think that about covers it for today...and no, not every blog entry is going to be a game or movie review, but if I can't think of something specific to blog on, then those work as well as anything. :)


Unknown said...

Almost thou convinceth me to buy a PSP for Crisis Core.... :) Maybe I'll just have to borrow yours for a bit.

Kent and Wendy said...

When are you going to post pictures of your baby? or pictures of your family?

CheshireKate said...

i enjoyed Prince Caspian also but I did wonder who did all the casting of the Calromen? Antonio Banderas?

Anonymous said...

Hey I was just curious about your title as a "Roleplayer" and what you do to earn it? Is it mostly online things or table-top gaming or what?

Unknown said...

I've done various styles of table-top RPG's: DnD 2nd - 4th edition (currently DMing a group every friday), Street Fighter, Men in Black, Star Wars, Shadowrun 2nd edition, and Wheel of Time.

I've played yahoo group pbem style games: Shadowrun, DnD, Wheel of Time, Final Fantasy, and several generic fantasy games. Oh yes, I even tried a Harry Potter game on Live Journal. That was fun and rather involved. I played Lucius Malfoy.

I've played pretty much any Final Fantasy you can name, Star Ocean, The Chrono games, Secret of Mana, Oblivion, among many others I can't think of off the top of my head. Oh yeah, the Diablos if those really count as RPGs. I guess they do. Kinda hack'n'slash more, but still fun. friend and I would freeform RPG just for fun when we worked together, basically just making up the story as we went along.

Sooo...aside from live-action roleplaying (I have done some acting though) I've done pretty much any style of Roleplaying there is.

That qualify? XD

Unknown said...

Oh and I forgot, I've also played Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft and actually did some roleplaying in those with my friend. That was rather fun.

Unknown said...

Oh, and I almost (Wish I could edit comments). I have also played at least one Text-based RPG called Achaea, by Iron Realms.

There was one time I tried a play by email Strategic Game, but that didn't last long (not me quitting, they didn't go further).

Anonymous said...

Haha that more than qualifies. I went through and read your past blogs and it seemed like you are a slightly older version of myself, so I was just curious.

I've always been into the FF's, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Dragoon, Elder Scrolls, and the like. I still table-top game aswell (primarily DnD), playing a Cleric in a 3.5 game and a Rogue in 4.0. Huge leap between the two, especially the combat change in 4.0, but still fun, though we don't get alot of time to meet considering we have to balance college/work/girlfriends/random gaming and somehow fit in time for a DnD game every week.

For awhile I too was sucked into WoW but broke it off (as if it was a relationship *sigh*) about 2 years ago.

I hope you keep writing your blog when you get ideas for it, it was pretty entertaining because on a few things I found myself saying "I know!".

Reelix said...

Wow! Nice list of RPG's you've got there :)

If you have time (And lots of it), try and finish Baldurs Gate 2 and it's expansion (Throne of Bhaal)

Anyone that can finish both of those has my utmost respect :)

- Reelix

P.S: Neverwinter Nights 1 (And both it's expansions) were also great! Better than NWN2 IMHO (NWN1 = Gameplay, NWN2 = Graphics), but me, being a PC-Based RPG Fan(Addict?), finished it... :p