Oh and in cased you missed that...Warning! Spoiler Coming!
If you have not yet seen "The Dark Knight" and do not wish to know the plot beforehand, do not read this post.
You have been warned...
I have to say that "The Dark Knight" was simply one of the coolest movies I have ever seen. I had high expectations and the movie delivered. This movie had everything I feel a Batman movie should have and everything I hoped it would. Darkness, villains who feel like real villains, plenty of action, and lots more. This movie did not even come close to descending into the campiness that previous Batmans either started in or slid quickly into. It started gritty and stayed gritty.
When the movie first started it took me all of about 10 seconds to remember that Harvy Dent is two face when he flips his coin in the car. (I mean aside from the fact that any comic book reading/cartoon series watching person would have known it just from the name). I really liked how they brought in two face and then took him out, because I'm not sure how they would have turned him into the main villain of this newest series of batmans without descending into the campiness I mentioned before.
The Joker...
What can I say about the Joker. He was brilliantly psychotic. Never before in any Batman movie have I said to myself "Oh no...he's not going to..." gulp "...he did..." He actually made me cringe. He was perfectly played in my opinion. The makeup just gave him a gritty and real feel. Something that the Jack Nicholson Joker never had. He felt neither scary nor real. Heath Ledger's Joker was brilliant and cruel and made for a worthy adversary for Batman.
I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY KILLED OFF BATMAN'S GIRL!! What is up with that? Seriously...though I understand that poor Batman has to live in a solitude of sorts, did they really have to blow Rachel up??? /sigh
I guess they did. That was one of the things that really made me say to myself, "Wow, they're serious about keeping this series dark..." I was just really surprised that they would do that. I don't know if any of the previous Batmans have lost their girls to death (I'll have to look).
Finally, Batman. Cool. Human. Vulnerable. I do agree with my friend about the raspy voice thing, that does get old, but like I said to him, if that is the only thing wrong with the movie, then I think I can live with it. Batman was actually ready to expose his identity to the world, just to stop one villain. He cared about the people who were hurt, he didn't want his influence to cause any innocents pain. They really brought out what Batman is in this film. Not a lapdog vigilante, but the silent protector, an icon, the one it's ok for the people to hate, the Dark Knight.
Happy Birthday Danny!
Danny turned three! My baby got a party complete with firends, pizza, cake,
over 300 water balloons and lots of fun.
He asked for a Monster Truck cake, but...
11 years ago