Well, it's that time of day again. Yeah, that's right. Lunch time. That time of day when we get to kick back, relax, and shove our faces full of food to get us through the rest of the afternoon.
Here's some of the things on my mind.
Obama vs. McCain. This is scary to say, but there is a chance that I may actually vote Democrat this year. I know!! Crazy! I'm just not entirely convinced that McCain is the one to lead us through the next four years. To be quite honest, I don't know that we really have much of a selection of candidates this year. It almost feels like I'm making a choice between poking my left eye out or my right. It's times like these that you wish you had the ability to look into the future, see what the outcome of the next four years will be for each choice and then vote accordingly. I'm just going to have to do my best to research the two candidates and decide which cliff will be safer to jump off of.
Retake on Crisis Core. Still a fun game, but I have to say, I did get a little bored of doing the missions in the game (which is the only way of grinding/gaining levels by the way) and so I now find myself in a conundrum. The game took a huge difficulty spike right near the end, so I find myself lacking in the levels sufficient to proceed and yet I find myself not really desiring to do any more of the freaking repetitive missions either. One of these nights I'll just need to buckle down and do it just because I want to finish the game. I would still recommend the game to anyone, but just be warned you have to REALLY like the mission part of the game.
Let's see...there must be something else on my mind. Well, I have a rather volitile rant about illegal immigration brewing in my mind, but I think I'll save that for its own post and when I'm feeling particularly awnry about it. Stay tuned...
Oh yes! The Mojave Experiment. When I found out about this experiment, I thought it was hilarious. It turns out Microsoft wanted to prove just how much brainwashed zombies people are when it comes to operating systems. They brought a bunch of people in and asked what people thought of Windows Vista. For the most part people trashed it, regardless of whether they've used it or not. Then get this. They show them this new OS, Mojave and have them play around with it for a short time and then rate it. People loved it, they gave it an average rating of 8.5/10 as opposed to what they gave Vista (4/10). Here's the kicker. They were then told that Mojave IS Vista. It was just reskinned to look different. The people's reactions were awesome and some people refused to believe that what they were just shown was Windows Vista. To experience the lawlness yourself, visit http://www.mojaveexperiment.com.
This just goes to show that far too many people are relying solely on the word of Mac elitist zealouts and Mac smear campaigns. When people get a chance to use it themselves, on average they are pleased with it. I just pray that this same mindless sheepism doesn't carry over into politics and religion. Sadly though, I have a suspicion that it may.
Well, that's my lunchtime thoughts. Enjoy your day :)
Happy Birthday Danny!
Danny turned three! My baby got a party complete with firends, pizza, cake,
over 300 water balloons and lots of fun.
He asked for a Monster Truck cake, but...
11 years ago